
We offer primary healthcare services to English-speaking foreigners.


To be eligible, you need to call to make an appointment by telephone or in person to the reception desk of the practice prior to your visit.


English-speaking patients can benefit from the advice of primary health care free of charge if they have a valid European Health Insurance Card or a fee without presenting of European Health Insurance Card.


In this case, the cost of visit to the English-speaking patients is 80 Polish Zlotys.


The range of services provided free of charge at the European Health Insurance Card is different in different European countries.



Information clause


Dear Patient,

Pursuant to art. 13 of general directive on personal data protection as of April 27, 2016 (Official Journal of European Union L119 as of 04.05.2016) I inform that:

  1. Administrator of personal data is NZOZ Praktyka Lekarza Rodzinnego in Bydgoszcz.
  2. Personal data shall be processed due to process of providing health services, including handling medical documentation as well as in order to ensure health care and managing the systems and services of health care and health prevention.
  3. The recipients of personal data shall be exclusively entities entitled to obtain personal data on the basis of legal provisions or implementation of health services indicated among others in the Act on patient’s rights and Patient’s Rights Spokesman.
  4. The period of storing personal data included in medical documentation drawn up in a paper form is specified by the Act on Patient’s rights and Patient’s Rights Spokesman.
  5. You are entitled to demand from the administrator to have access to personal data or to correct it.
  6. In case of deeming that your rights have been infringed, you may bring in a complaint to a supervisory body - President of Personal Data Protection Office.
  7. Providing personal data is obligatory on the basis of provisions of the directive on personal data protection as of April 27, 2016 (Official Journal of European Union L119 as of 04.05.2016.
  8. Contact data to Inspector of Personal Data Protection – jerzy.naszrodzinny@wp.pl